Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 01/20/2006 - 00:00

Is it possible to create full interactive web services onto an existing RPG application that can interact with a web service consuming portlet, e.g. for surfacing data, doing transactions, etc.? How would that work?

Full name


Fri, 01/20/2006 - 13:49

IceBreak can act as a server or as a client of Web Services. In both cases the application behind the service is an RPG or COBOL application. Please try our demo application: KRAK Web Service demo. This example is written in RPG as a client to a Web Service hosted by a company called KRAK. The RPG program sends a phone number to the Web Service and in return receives the full information about the owner of the phone number. The information between the client and the server is formatted in XML wrapped in SOAP. Through the build-in XML parser in IceBreak the data are transformed into traditional RPG fields.